The Community Foundation provided a $25,000 matching grant to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Victims’ Fund...
The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties provided a $25,000 matching grant to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Victims’ Fund, managed by the Broward Education Foundation. The Foundation matched board member Julie Fisher Cummings’ charitable contribution. Cummings sits on the fund’s steering committee.
The victims’ fund is held at the Broward Education Foundation and raised more than ten million in donations. These gifts are given to victims without any restriction on their use, with the belief that victims and survivors are in the best position to determine which use would be the most beneficial to their healing. This fund will seek to avoid any overlap with reimbursements made by the Florida Crime Victim Compensation Bureau.
For more information on the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Victims’ Fund, steering committee, or grant protocol, please click here. A list of contributors to the fund may be found here.
For more information about the Community Foundation, please visit or call (561) 659-6800.
The Community Foundation for Palm Beach and Martin Counties is one of Florida’s largest community foundations. The nonprofit organization has provided nearly $139 million in grants and scholarships over its 45-year history. At its core, the Community Foundation is an organization created with gifts from generous people committed to local causes. For donors, the Foundation serves as a philanthropic advisor. For the community, the Foundation serves as a grantmaker and a civic leader. Through the support of its donors and fund holders, the Foundation has been able to address some of the community’s most pressing needs, including hunger, housing and education.