About the Fund
Eva Mack believed that “whatever talents a person is blessed with should be shared with others,” and she shared her talents with everyone she met. Eva was a nurse, a teacher, a community advocate and a social activist. In the 1960s, she headed the first successful capital campaign to improve Pleasant City, one of West Palm Beach’s oldest neighborhoods, and lobbied the PBC School District for health classes in all grades. She became the first black Mayor of West Palm Beach in 1982, and was committed to improving the entire community.
“Eva Mack was one of the very best, most dedicated nurses in the Health Department. She knew just what was needed and did a heroic job in facing the many health problems of that time. I have followed her career with admiration and have a sense of gratitude for having the privilege of working with her. She achieved great things, with the objective always of helping the whole community, not just one segment, to better the quality of life for all citizens.”
Former Director
Palm Beach County Health Dept.
“Eva Mack was a totally unselfish person, a great community leader who always put her city first. We joined hands and built a bridge connecting two communities. I’ve never met anyone whose loyalty runs so deep – loyalty to her family, her friends and her community. I am very honored that she was my friend.”
Former Mayor, West Palm Beach
“What impressed me most about Eva Mack was her candid sense of responsibility and the unique sensitivity she brought to the needs of all racial and ethnic groups, including the poor and the oppressed. She was a committed social activist.”