About the Fund
Born in 1904 in Macon, Ga., R. Bruce Jones grew up in the south and came from six generations of military men. In 1932, after college, Jones began his 27-year military career, including more than five years of active duty during WWII. Col. Jones moved to Palm Beach County, and in 1946 became a partner in the law firm of Earnest, Lewis, Smith and Jones (now called Jones, Foster, Johnson and Stubbs, P.A.). He regarded the law as a profession and a way to help people, not simply a way to make money. During his legal career, he was instrumental in the development of the Sugar Cane Growers Cooperative and its continued growth for 25 years as General Counsel.
“I had the honor of working with Col. Jones during the entire length of m practice of law between 1950 and 1979. He was a fine role model for ethics and tactics in litigation. He practiced law because he loved the law. He did not regard the practice of law as an avenue to wealth, social stature or prominence in the community. He was a good man. This community and the bar were enriched by his presence.”
U.S. District Judge
I worked with Bruce Jones from 1952 to 1987. He was an extremely able practitioner and a fine Christian gentleman to have associated with throughout our working careers. Bruce was a highly respected man who looked upon the law not as a means of making money, but because he was truly interested in helping others.”
“Although he was a man of tremendous and varied accomplishments, I suspect that his greatest legacy is the number of men to whom he taught The Holy Bible. Because of him, lives were changed, and the moral base of the entire area is stronger. Fame and fortune slowly fade, but this accomplishment goes on into eternity,”